Welcome Scholars!

In this lesson you will learn the difference between being part of a community, and being part of a group. When we are finished you will also be able to explain the differences between three types of communities- Urban, Suburban, and Rural.

Lets get started!

What is a community? What is a group? Whats the difference?

Communities are groups of people that share common interests, backgrounds, or purpose. For example, a community may share the common purpose of finding food to feed their families. They may be of the same culture or be from the same place.  A community may be made of people with similar interests such as safety or religion.

A group is simply a collection of people.


Urban, Suburban, Rural

Please go to the following link and save a copy in your google drive. Turn and talk with your partner and discuss the differences between the three pictures. Make a list under each picture of what you notice about each type of community.

Link To Google Doc


Now that you have explored the different types of communities, it’s time to practice!

Go to the following link and answer some questions about urban, suburban, and rural communities

IXL Learning


Click the following link and complete the Google Form.

Communities Quiz


When you have completed the quiz, you may go on to lesson 2.

Link to Lesson 2